Icecast Directory

Genre “Old” Streams

Orchestral Rhythm & Soul Music (DE) (MP3 256 kbps)
On Air: Orchestral Rhythm & Soul Music - The Ray Hamilton Orchestra - Immortality

Orchestral pop/symphonic pop music - 50's,60's,70's,80's,90's,2K's

V3FM Live Broadcast
On Air: 07 Sinead O'Connor - Troy

V3FM - All the best hits, all of the time

On Air: Dirty Ol' Man - The Three Degrees

elvlieko MIX

Orchestral Rhythm & Soul Music (NL) (MP3 256 kbps)
On Air:

Orchestral pop/symphonic pop music - 50's,60's,70's,80's,90's,2K's