Icecast Directory

Genre “Spoken” Streams

The Quran Radio | Arabic
On Air: Asad%20Sirohey%20%2d%20Surah%207%20Al%20A%27raaf

Quran Audio in Arabic and English From The Majestic Reading on

Satsangs of Swami Amar Jyoti
On Air: Swami Amar Jyoti (P)(C)TC - Part 2 of A-23, Society in The Golden Age

Recordings of the spiritual teachings of Swami Amar Jyoti

On Air:


Taliadon Streams - War of the Worlds
On Air: Jeff Wayne - Epilogue (Part 1)

Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds

Taliadon Streams - The Day of the Triffids
On Air: Part 8 of 8

The Day of the Triffids (John Wyndham)

The Quran Radio | English
On Air: Asad%20Sirohey%20%2d%20Chapter%2033%20The%20Societies

Quran Audio in Arabic and English From The Majestic Reading on

Juno Radio!
On Air: Telnet to on port 5866 to make me speak back to you.

A Dolphin Juno Speech Synthesiser.

Taliadon Streams - Harry Potter
On Air: J.K. Rowling - Philosopher's Stone - Chapter 10 of 17

Harry Potter Books (Stephen Fry)

Taliadon Streams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
On Air: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Episode 8

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (BBC Radio 1978)