Icecast Directory

Genre “game” Streams

SpriteLayer Video Game Radio
On Air: Kentaro Koyama - Ruins

Video Game music from every generation
On Air: Lena Raine - Checking In

Video Game Music 24 hours a day with occasional hosted shows and podcasts. Request video game soundtracks be added to the library by emailing

Gamesboro Radio
On Air: Konami - Snowfield

Video game music 24/7!

The Mono Room Gaming Radio
On Air: Brandon Strader - Final Fantasy II 'Castellum Infernum' OC ReMix

Video Game Music, VGM Covers, Remixes, and more!

SpriteLayer Classic Video Game Radio
On Air: Konami - A Breath For Her

Video game music from the 80s to 2000.