Icecast Directory

Genre “Oldies” Streams

RADIO fresh80s - Hier sind die Achtziger zuhause! (Mobile-Stream 128kb/s mp3)
On Air: Shannon - Let The Music Play

Das deutsche 80er Jahre Radio | The German Eighties Channel

On Air: Mia Martini - E non finisce mica il cielo

70 80

Radio Seabreeze 1395 AM
On Air: Wiebe Barkey - Bonanza

Nostalgisch verfrissend

Radio SOVA
On Air: George Michael - Faith (1987)

On Air: Jeff Lorber - Elevate

California HD Sound !

On Air: The Isley Brothers - Harvest for the World

Motown, Soul & Great Rock N' Roll

On Air: Racey - Lay Your Love On Me

Mein Hochfrankenradio

On Air: Nek - La vita e

Radio Zoe Gold
On Air: 14-18 Tim in de middag

Radio Zoe Gold - oldies en méér!

Radio Rosita
On Air: Unknown

De beste Oldies

On Air: The Isley Brothers - Harvest for the World

Motown, Soul & Great Rock N' Roll

Noordzee Gold
On Air: 1969: The Beach Boys - Breakaway

Ouderwetse radio

Radio Uno!
On Air: Radio Uno - Alles Uno!

Alles Uno!

Unique Gold
On Air: The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

Goodtimes Oldies Lost And Found

U luistert naar voor de beste piraten hits
On Air: Dit is de Nachtegaal live vanuit Utreght met de hits van toen en nu De echte grunniger op Muziekteam Whatsapp 06-45438498.

Net even anders maar boordevol gezelligheid

ABC 60's
On Air: Burt Bacharach - Trains Boats & Planes

"Memories of a life-time"

Забытая кассета
On Air: %d0%9d%d0%b5%d1%87%d1%82%d0%be%20%2d%20%d0%9d%d0%be%d1%87%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b5%20%d1%81%d0%bd%d1%8b

Предлагаем вам окунуться в эпоху поп-групп рождённых в СССР, в 80-е годы и просуществовавших до начала 90-х годов. В эфире редкие записи поп-групп 80-х и 90-х годов Многие из вас откроют новые имена, вспомнят забытые.

Stadsradio Halle
On Air: Nick McKenzie - Peaches On A Tree (1973)

Stadsradio Halle

On Air: Mia Martini - E non finisce mica il cielo

70 80

On Air: Herbert - Zonder Jou

luister gezellig mee

TOP FM oldies >> 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s
On Air: The Crickets - That'll Be The Day [1957]

Nosztalgia felsõfokon!

On Air:


diis Radio
On Air: Dua Lipa - Don't Start Now

Good Times, Great Oldies

On Air: London Grammar - Hey Now

The Lite Music Station

LOVE 97.5 FM
On Air:

LOVE 97.5 FM

KS 95.7
On Air: Midwest Health -

Classic Hits Radio

On Air: Dusty Springfield & Daryl Hall - Where Ever Would I Be

Frankfurts Stadtradio

Vintage Obscura Radio
On Air: 'La Mesa Junior High School Vocal Department - Carwash[USA, School, Funk (1977): Stripped down and atmospheric take on the Rose Royce classic with spectral Wah-Wah and organ taking it somewhere truly otherworldly....also hand claps galore! You really get a sense of being in the room from this.'

Nearly 70,000 music-obsessed researchers scour the internet daily to uncover nearly forgotten music of every genre at All tracks are older than 25 years, and have fewer than 30k views on YouTube, Vintage Obscura Radio plays the best of the tracks posted on the reddit sub.

On Air: ERIC%20CHARDEN%20%2d%20L%27ETE%20SERA%20CHAUD

Pour ne pas oublier

On Air: Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown (03:27)

Student Run Radio