Icecast Directory

All Vorbis Streams

Clefairy Radio
On Air: Radiohead - Knives Out

Slow Jams and not so Slow Jams delivered 24/7. Art Bell Streams at Midnight CST. Visit us at!

On Air:

Tempête sur les ondes !

On Air: Charles Earland - My Favorite Things

Music for the sharp doggy ears

shadowfr69 Radio
On Air:

Japanese webradio (Bemani/Konami, Touhou and Original works) ogg
On Air: Junko Shiratsu - From Party to Party - Anime Japanese Jpop Video Game

Radio Eustachio
On Air: 3519127269 - Radio Eustachio

la radio che ha scoperto le trombe
On Air: Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Against The Wind

96kb/s Ogg Vorbis Stream

AkroRadio -
On Air: Mephisto - Mystery of love

De la Disco à la Techno c'est Ta Radio ! Webradio du Loiret en Région Centre Val De Loire

CRo Radio Wave
On Air:

Station for the young

Centraal Hits
On Air: The Wanted - Glad You Came

Centraal Hits - Only Hits

Parlamenti adások (ogg)
On Air:

Parlamenti adások (ogg)

EddongRADIO (Ogg)
On Air: Rod Stewart With Ronald Isley - This Old Heart Of Mine

It's everything... But mostly nothing... (

Dinosaur Radio
On Air:

60s 70s Classic Hits

On Air:

A stream of electronic music I run for fun!

CRo Vltava
On Air:

European-style cultural station

On Air: Niche Channel - dub-150g | 04:00

demoscene radio

Furry Pirate Radio
On Air: Cinnabunny Segment - Furry Pirate Radio

Furry pirate radio - visit us at

CRo Plus
On Air:

News and information station

THE RAVE ZONE 24h (VIE) (VORBIS 256 kbps)
On Air: The Rave Zone 24h - Marco Carola - Eclipse

Electronic & Electronic Dance Music

Iceradio Germany
On Air: Lassigue Bendthaus - Automotive

Iceradio Germany - der Internet Radiosender fuer olle Gruftis, EBMmer, NeonCybys, Emos, Punks, und jedes andere Getier der schwarzen Szene.

Jon Linney's Music
On Air: Jon Linney - Out walking

Jon Linney's Music

Radio Delahoy
On Air: Glenn Delahoy - Awakening

Join me on my journey as I experiment with various musical styles including electronic, avant-guard, new age, prog, ambient, pop, rock, acoustic and others. You can find out more and purchase high quality mp3s and CDs at the following places:,,

Jamm FM Radio Costa del Sol
On Air: Powerintros%20Coi%20Leray%20%2d%20Players%5fJamm

Jamm FM Radio Costa del Sol

On Air:


Sandoz82 - Techno Channel
On Air: Sandoz - Private Session 012 26.11.24

Finest Techno and Electronic Music

Radio WorldDragons
On Air: Radio WorldDragons >> Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone << AutoDJ

Non-commercial internet radio station

Digital Gunfire - OGG
On Air: Mentallo and The Fixer - Scum of the Earth

Ebm, Gothic & Industrial - by Tom Westbang

On Air:

Endless radio Chillout in Opus for the best sound

Radio Swiss Ventisei
On Air: Walk The Moon - Shut Up and Dance (White Panda Remix)

La radio decente della Svizzera Italiana

On Air:

Endless Lossless Stream of Piano (no metadata/no cuts)